Les Catéchèses de Lourdes « Heureux vous les Pauvres »
The latest addition to the "Explain Me" collection, this collection is the identical transcription of the original document kept in the archives of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.
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A few days after the last apparition, on July 28, 1858, the bishop of the diocese of Tarbes and Lourdes, established a commission of inquiry "to ascertain the authenticity and the nature of the facts that have occurred".
After four years of investigation, Bishop Bertrand Sévère Laurence publishes the Pastoral Letter (official text) which will be the founding document of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Thus, the Church acknowledges the Apparitions at the Grotto of Lourdes.
Bishop Laurence recognizes the supernatural character of what happened, authorizes worship and proposes to build a Sanctuary.
On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the original publication, here is a re-edition that will allow you to reread what is the heart of Lourdes.
Les Catéchèses de Lourdes « Heureux vous les Pauvres »
Bernadette de Lourdes Pèlerinage dans le Coeur de Jésus
Volume 2 in French, dedicated to all those who responded to the request: "Let us build here a chapel and let us come in procession"
Lourdes, chemin de Croix, Chemin de la Résurrection